I didn't know where else to put this, so I'm putting it here. While I do use this as my soap box most days, it is still my personal blog and I'm going to talk about something that is very personal indeed.
For as long as I can remember I wanted to be an artist. I wanted to be an actress, but I'm afraid of crowds. I wanted to be an artist, but I've never had the patience for theory. I wanted to be a writer, but I have absolutely no focus and no self confidence to just bite the bullet and dive head first into it. For a creative outlet I've turned here to my blog. I intended to use this space as a dump for fiction, just as a storage hub for things I half-started or never gave a chance to. I wanted it to be a vent for my female rage and my post-pubescent angst. I wanted it to be so many things, and what I feel I have done here is turned it into a circus.
I don't really write for me, I write for who I hope would be reading. I have become obsessed with tracking my page views and finding out who thinks I am cool and interesting and unique. I have become a feedback junkie and my blog has become my fix. I'd like to come back to my original intent for this, now that I have some creative juices flowing toward the WWADcast stuff that we have on the go. If you'd like to see me further make an ass of myself, I'll be over there with my clown make-up on.
I'll be back soon, and maybe I'll do some behind-the-scenes, I-want-to-be-internet-famous brooding then. Right now, I've got some editing to do.