Not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty fantastic. Apparently.
Today, an employee and friend posted a link to his brand new blog on Facebook. First post, first blog! Good for him! I left a reply to the link, welcoming him to the blogosphere, and got a response I wasn't expecting. Can you believe that I, me, moi, inspired him to start a blog of his own? this is exactly what I wanted this space to accomplish. I made one person decide to create something of their own. One more Adultlescent is speaking up and making us heard.
The other day, I was linked to this video. I don't know if Ze, the creator, really counts as an Adultlescent anymore, but I think he really captures the message quite well. not only in this video, but in all of them. Check them out! At one point in the vlog (video blog, Dad.) he talks about becoming culturally irrelevant. As he gets older, he is growing further and further from the world 'optimized for the young'. This must be a scary concept for him. It scares me too. I have a short time span where my ideas are "young" and "fresh" before I just become another hack would-be writer in her late thirties who has done nothing worthwhile. The thing that really grabbed me, though, wasn't Ze explaining the fear of growing old, but this one comment I saw floating below the video. It was a single sentence and it summed up this entire project beautifully.
"I'm 23 and I'm scared of never ever being culturally relevant at all." - aloneinkyoto000
This over anything is my biggest worry. I may never make it big, I'm totally fine with that. I'm scared that none of my ideas are actually worth squat in the real world. That I am just a peon for the real 'grown-ups' and some day I'll do the same thing to the up and coming kids of the next generation. This is why I don't want to create in this space. I NEED to. If all we do is consume and never create, we've stopped growing. Each and every one of us has the ability to create, but we're so busy with our big girl lives that we don't.
That's why it makes me so happy that Nick has chosen to blog as well. His blog only has the one post as of yet, but in it you can see him so perfectly. It makes me so happy. You can read his blog here. (Keep writing, Nick! Have fun with it!)
Another interesting little notion in my blogger life: I have a follower now. I'm pretty sure I know who she is, a friend of a friend of a friend of mine that I've only met a handful of times. That made my heart (and ego) swell so much that someone is so interested in my thoughts. That just means that there is at least one other person out there who agrees with me and wants to hear what I have to say. That's so fantastic! It is an honour.
But for the next few days, I'm sorry to anyone who has to listen to me rave about my internet fame. My over-inflated ego needs to be taken down a notch.
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