Thursday, October 10, 2013

"Love is watching someone die"

I knew this was coming. I've known for a long time that some day we would have to say goodbye, and I've tried to steel myself against it for years. All those days and nights with her, I thought it could go on forever. I thought I was being so neurotic when she would curl up next to me and I would panic thinking of the day long-off that she wouldn't. That day is so much closer now. So much nearer than I prepared myself for.

She's too tired to play anymore. Too tired for climbing up onto the bed with me. Too tired to eat most days. She lays with her head to the floor and a far away glaze to her eyes and it terrifies me. She's so calm now, she could slip away from me completely at any time. I habitually check on her, just to make sure she wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.

 There's this old Death Cab for Cutie song I loved when I was a teenager. It was released in '05, so I suppose I would have been 15 or 16 when I found it. I didn't know loss when I loved it. I'd lost two family members by the time I was that age, and I know what death is and how it affects a person. I had never been personally stricken, though. Today, for the first time in almost a decade, I heard "What Sarah Said", completely by chance. I was overcome with the selfishness of my own grief. I wept in the grocery store while looking for something that might suit Skylie's appetite.

I do say selfishness. Grief in itself is one of the most selfish experiences a person has. I don't cry for her, I cry for me. I cry because I am the one above anyone else who should have been there for her. I should have done more. I should have been smarter. Instead, she lays here now in her favorite chair that I set her in because she is too weak to climb up on her own. She is surrounded by half-eaten treats and bits of kibbles, but she doesn't want any of them. The medication only angers her, it isn't fair to her that I have to force them on her twice a day. Her teeth are softer now, too. she is missing two of her front teeth, and I'm not quite sure when or how they went. I should have been a better friend to her. For all the times she would come running at my tears, I was 'too busy' and I let her whither away when she needed me. She deserved better from me, and I let her down.

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