Sometimes I get the odd chance to act a little recklessly. I'm not a misreable old lady every day and I love using my chances to be impulsive to their maximum extent. That's why I'm looking forward to Hal-con so much this year. I'm going to be cosplaying as Lady Deadpool which means, for those of you out there whoaren't fluent in geek speak, I'll be wearing a full face mask while I'm in costume.
Have you ever been to one of these nerd conventions? You put as many people who are genuinely passionate about the same things into a room as possible, and add caffeine. Normally, North Americans are very reserved when it comes to physical interactions, but these rules do not apply at a convention. When you're there, you should be expecting a lot of high fives, hugs, handshakes, fist bumps, and the classic awkward half-hug for pictures.You should expect to get touched. For a nerd, this is just an outlet to express their passion about their fandom. It can be overwhelming. I think that's why nerds get belittled by the rest of the world. We have no social propriety when it comes to, say, our favourite TV show (Firefly! <3). We whoop and shout and squeal like children over something most people would consider trivial. I think that they're just jealous, though. They walk with their heads held high with uptight reservation, but we skip everywhere we go and we high five strangers in the street because we like that person's X-Men t-shirt.
"I like your Jersey Shore shirt!" Said no one ever.
I don't like to wear my Green Lantern ring to work so much anymore. When random customers come in and comment on it, I feel awkward. I don't know what to say. Did you like the movie? I don't know! Its a weird interaction and I'd rather just avoid it than have it. I love my Green Lantern ring! I wear it everywhere I go, regardless of forced awkward small talk. It makes me feel like a super hero, which can be pretty uplifting when one is sitting in ones pajamas at 2:30 in the morning on a Sunday night.
Maybe, briefly, while I am disguised in full costume with
my face hidden, I can be so stupefied by the things that I love so much. I don't have to make tedious small talk with a stranger for a prolonged period of time because I wanted to compliment their costume. Fuck that, they don't know me! I run over, say whatever I want to say to them, and run away. I don't have to be polite when they don't know who I am, just in case I ever meet them again. I can be completely bonkers and make an ass of myself like I always do, but on such a grander scale. Without pedantic rituals of etiquette, I can be 100% myself as I want to behave with minimal consequence. And what's more, its encouraged! This is part of the fun of being at a convention and I will be one of just many dancing, yelling jesters in the court.
If you're going to be in Halifax next weekend and want to check out what I mean, come visit me at Hal-Con!
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