"You probably shouldn't have told your parents about your blog."
This passing comment has been nagging at the back of my mind for most of the day. Not that I don't like that my mom reads my blog update by update, because I think that's awesome. It is a great way to communicate and share with her - as with all of you - what is going on in my life and my mind, keep her informed, keep our bonds tied. The thing that has been itching is the idea of self-censorship. There are times that I sit down to write, only to hit a block and throw out the entire work. I think to myself 'do I really want my mom to read that?' or something similar and second-guess myself.
After much thought, I have decided not to let it bother me. I am who I am, regardless of who is witness to it (minus holding in farts around other people, that is). This is specifically my space, my mind to share with you. I can't change the person I am, I can't please everyone. I love me, and if you don't care to hear my opinions, you're in the wrong space. Mom, if you call me because I wrote a swear word on my blog like you do on my facebook page... I don't know what I'll do. Probably sigh at you.
That's right, I swear. I swear a lot. I curse and I mutter hateful things to inanimate objects sometimes and I make terrible jokes and I dance when I'm bored. As long as I'm not hurting anyone, I think I have every right to do so. In the future, there's a chance I'll talk about sex and sexuality, drugs, religion, or any other in a plethora of touchy topics, right along side the usual whining and nerdy things. Do I care if my mother reads it? Not really. She's my mom, she over anyone has reason to want to know. ( Don't worry, Mom. I'm not addicted to heroin or working the streets. )
In other news, I've opened up a Facebook page for easier access to my updates. This way I can stop clogging up my friend's newsfeeds with links to the same page - this one! I'd also love to hear your feedback on my work thus far or suggestions for future works. What would you like to see? More Adultlescence? More movie reviews? More short stories? More what?
Join me at https://www.facebook.com/ItsMayAgain, and if any of you out there have any ability to do mare with web design than me...oh God, it's all so bland. Help?
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